Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Murder suspect recaptured after mistaken release from Los Angeles jail

Who:Steven Lawrence Wright

Where:Los Angeles

When:February 8, 2016

What:On January 30th, the Los Angeles sheriff department released Steven Wright after the judge mistakenly ordered the case to be dismissed and wrote the wrong case number on the first sheet of papers but the right one on the second sheet. Since the sheriffs didn't check the other pages and just went with the first page they ended up accidentally releasing Wright and not noticing until days after. They found him in a Nevada hotel and rearrested him there not going to charge him for anything because it wasn't his fault and hes already facing life in prison for his case anyways. He shot and killed a 47 year old man two times in the head just because the man was of the rivalry gang.

Why I Chose It: I chose this as my current event because i just thought it was crazy how the sheriffs aren't paying much attention to whats happening and i feel are lazy to flip the pages and read the whole report. What if this man was still in a the wrong set of mind and when released went look for another rivalry gang member to kill? Hes already facing life so he wouldn't care. So i think this was important especially for other sheriffs and police departments so that this situation doesn't occur again.

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