Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wearable robots for the paralyzed take a step forward

Who: SuitX(U.S. Bionics Lab) 


Where:U.S.(Specific Location not available) 

Why:To help disable people unable to walk for what ever reason walk again and help give human more upper body strength to lift heavy loads.

What:Wearable robots have the potential to do more than create 21st century super soldiers. Robotic arms are helping stroke victims regain control over their bodies and giving amputees,people with no sense in there legs or arms, the ability to feel again. Robotic suits let factory workers pick up heavy loads, and robotic legs are allowing the disabled to walk. Put another way, they're expanding the limits of being human.Wearable robots could also find a place on the factory floor. Japanese electronics giant 'Panasonic' revealed last year that it was developing an upper-body suit to help workers lift heavy loads and reduce repetitive strain injuries.

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