Tuesday, April 12, 2016

-Carl Bernstein-Post reporter 

-Ben Bradlee-executive editor of the Post

-Patrick Buchanan- speech writer and special adviser to the president

-Archibald Cox-special prosecutor for the Watergate case

-H.R. "Bob" Haldeman-White House chief of staff

-E. Howard Hunt-a former White House consultant, indicted after break-in

-Leon Jaworski- named by acting attorney general Bork as new special prosecutor

-G. Gordon Liddy- member of CREEP’s finance committee

-James McCord-a security consultant for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP); former CIA agent

-Bob Woodward-Post reporter


1. The date is June,1972

2.Five men are about to be caught breaking into the Washington, D.C. offices of the watergate located in the Demcrated building.

3.The purpose for the break in was to bug O'Brian's phone to gather political and financial intelligence.

4.A republican Richard Nixon, is predident. He was first elected in 1968, and is running for a second term. He wins.

5. A. All are charged with attempt burglary and attempt interception of telephone and other conversations.

B.Campaign donations

C.Political espionage, CREEP, White House, Campaign Officials , Justice

6.1974, resigns 


-bugging-conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or telephone) in order to monitor or record someone's conversations.

-Canuck letter-a forged letter to the editor of the Manchester Union Leader, published February 24, 1972, two weeks before the New Hampshire primary of the 1972 United States presidential election.

-C.R.E.E.P.- The committee for the Re-Election of the President (also known as the committee to re-elect the president), abbreviated CRP, but often mocked by the acronym CREEP, was a fundraising organization of United States President Richard Nixon's administration.

-cover up-an attempt to prevent people's discovering the truth about a serious mistake or crime.

-covert operations-an operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor.

-deep background-the status of an interview which must not be quoted in a publication even without attribution.

-General Accounting Office(GAO)- A department of the U.S. government that monitors and audits government spending. 

-on the record-used in reference to the making of an official or public statement.

-set up-the way in which something, especially an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged

-slush fund-a reserve of money used for illicit purposes, especially political bribery

-verbatim notes-Using exactly the same words; corresponding word for word


1.I believe that when Bradlee said this he meant to say that what he was doing is not wrong and that he has every right to do what he did and that he was trying to protect and help his country.

2.The line suggests that rolling up the scandal was accomplished by identifying, pursuing, and reporting on an illicit money trail. 

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